Unit Plan

For this unit, I plan to base this project on religious iconography. I got this idea when I went out to Bulgaria and travelled around and photographed it. while I was out there I visited many different churches and monastery, where most of them were covered head to toe in religious icons and religious stories. Each different part of Bulgaria had different icons they worship. This inspired me and got me thinking about how in today’s society religion isn’t a big deal compared to how it used to be. How in different countries it is more respected than others. For example, in Bulgaria they still worship their icons and are very religious, they have days off where they celebrate their religion with their whole family. whereas in the UK many people don’t believe in religion or it’s not celebrated to the same extend that Bulgarians do. We have Christmas and Easter, but it’s not celebrated anymore the way it used to be by going to church and celebrating the death/birth of Jesus. Its more about chocolate and presents and about who got the best present, and who had the best Christmas dinner, and posting it all on social media.


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