Emailing the Venue

I emailed the battle of Britain memorial team about putting on an exhibition and the dates I was thinking of putting on the show. As you can see from the attached emails I have placed below, I explained what I wanted to do and told them who I am. They were really keen on me putting on a show and gave me the dates that they thought would be best (Easter weekend), which should mean I get a really good turn out. I went up and had a meeting with them to explain and go over stuff. They are letting me have the room free of charge and helping me with promoting and making posters for the event. The exhibition will be on from the 29th of March till the 4th of April and be from 10am-5pm. They also have a projector in the space I’m exhibiting in, they are going to play the battle of Britain film (1969) on it. I am so happy with this and can’t wait to get started.

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