Exhibition Idea

For this unit I want to put on another exhibition, I have chosen to do this over a book as I think it will work out a lot better and I don’t think I have enough content to make a book. I think putting on the exhibition in the venue I want will link everything together nicely. Where I live the battle of Britain is popular, and also the film is a big hit. So putting on an exhibition which contains images of what people love will hopefully bring in a wide range of audience, with lots of people.

I planned to exhibit in the battle of Britain memorial is Capel-Le-Ferne, Folkestone, or the battle of Britain museum in Hawking. I went to look at both venues, however, felt battle of Britain memorial was more suited and had more people come to visit it, as its recently been done up, and had the queen come to attend the opening. The room which they showed me also had a lot of space to work with. The battle of Britain museum was too small and there wasn’t enough room for me to do what I plan on doing.

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