Andreas Gursky – Hayward Gallery

Today I went to look at Andreas Gursky work exhibited at the Hayward Gallery in London. Below are some pictures I took of the exhibition. I really like how he laid his images out. They were in a simple frame with a white border around them. I admire the range of smaller images and bigger ones and ones that take up the whole wall. In my opinion, this makes viewers walk around the whole exhibition, and make them study each photograph closely. He makes the pictures that contain loads of detail bigger so viewers could see every detail possible. My favourite image out the whole exhibition was the one where the two teams were in the stop pit at formula1. He had to be quick at taking this picture as they are quick when changing the tries etc. I like all the small detail in this image and how he has also captured the people standing in the box above them. I like how the image is dark, but the red and white really makes the image stand out.

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