Curation & Installation Strategy

Prior to installation, the room I plan to exhibit in must be presentable beforehand. This means I needed to Allow time for general cleaning (where necessary and with care to the building) whilst notifying Jules (the manager of the battle of Britain memorial) what days I wanted to start preparing. Regarding the space, the battle of Britain memorial has tall ceilings and is fairly modern, with different kinds of lighting to light up my work, I have natural light from the windows, which can be controlled by opening and closing the blinds, I have lights from above and on the walls which can be turned up or down using the controls.

On the day of the install, I will need a van to help transport materials and equipment. I will get a friend to help me as I won’t be able to lift and set up on my own as the A-frame boards are heavy and need to people to lift them.

I will exhibit in the Geoffrey Page Centre at the battle of Britain memorial. I will present my final pieces using four A-frames. These will be installed scattered separately across the floor space, they will have one image on each side of the boards (pictures being A1). The battle of Britain film will also be played in the background on a projector that the venue already has in place. I will set up the boards so people can walk freely around them and it has a flow to them. Allowing the viewers to look at the images in full detail. Going back on themselves if needed. I will also set a table up in the corner for people to sign the visitor book and buy postcards.

My work will look really good in the space, as everything links around the venue, and the exhibition dates also coincide with the 100th anniversary of the RAF.

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