
Below are some photos/evidence of my install day. It only took me the morning the day before the opening day to set up in the space, as we made sure everything was ready before we moved it in. I painted the boards the weekend before so they didn’t have any marks on them, and I knew they were going to be dry.  We attached the hinges and the supports to the boards the day before we were moving them down to the venue. The only thing we had to do was set up the A-frames into the position I was happy with, and apply the command strips to the boards ready to hang my prints on the day. For this, we measured so the center of my images were eye levels to viewers, this meant we measured 155 up from the bottom of the boards. As you can see from the images below everything went smoothly and it looks really good. I was so happy with how it looked. I set it up so people could walk freely around the boards and they had to look at them again when walking back out. I think how I set the boards up, in the end, was really effective and drew the audience in more.



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