Possible Hazards At The Venue

The only possible hazards there might be when exhibiting will be:

  • If people trip over the A-frames


  • If the A-farmes aren’t secure properly they may fall over


  • little kids running in and out of the A-frames and falling over/the A-frames fallen on them.


  • If people lean of the A-frames and they fall over


How can we avoid any of the above happening?

To prevent any of the above hazards happening, I will make sure the A-frames are secure and stable, so they don’t move or fall over if touched. I will also put a sign saying ‘please do not touch’. As I’ll be there every day I will be able to keep an eye for anything dangerous to happen and be there to advise the parents/gardens it isn’t good for the kids to run in and out of the A-frames.

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