Day 9 (03/05/18)

Today I started the day by helping a student with taking photos of her graphics work. She had made a t-shirt and wanted it to photograph it using a model. So I helped her set up the studio to how she wanted the lighting, I then set up the camera to the right camera settings for her. I then got her to take the photos with me being around for help and guidance. I helped with how she should have the model standing/posing and adjusted the models clothing so it would look best it can be for the photo. This shoot was successful and the photos come out really good considering she doesn’t do photography. She found my help useful and was happy with how all the pictures turned out.

Next, I sat in lessons and was around for students ask for my help. The students are quite independent and are stressing out as they have their exams coming up next week, so they like to be left alone.

The student I helped out in the morning went through all the photos from the shoot and now wanted my help to edit them, so I guided her through this process. I then sat with her for the rest of the day and gave her my help and guidance with what she is doing for her project.


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