Evaluation of my work experience

I did my work experience at a secondary school (The Folkestone Academy Glassworks) within the sixth form department, focusing on mainly the photography students, but also helping and guiding the art, graphics and textiles students when the wanted my help/advice.  I was there for 10 days 9.00am-3.15pm. I really enjoyed my time there, the 10 days went really fast and would have loved to stay there longer.  I chose to do work experience at a secondary school as when I finish university I would like to be a teacher teaching photography. The work experience was really useful in my opinion and defiantly was worthwhile doing. It made me see what it was like being a teacher and whether I would like it or not. I can defiantly see myself being a teacher in the future I have the patience and understanding of it all. Whilst on work experience I got to teach and support the students, I didn’t think they would pay much attention to me or even listen to what I had to say, as to them I’m not much older than them and I’m not a teacher. However, this wasn’t the case and they took in what I had to say and most of them always asked for my advice and help in a situation, they felt my time useful there and worthwhile. Not only did I help the students, but I also helped the teachers there improve their department by making it better and easier for them. Both the students and the other members of staff gained from me being there and learnt something new that they didn’t necessarily know before. I learnt a lot whilst I was there, I learnt how to mark students work and the process of it all, and look through there work and give them feedback and advice on what to do next with their project. I learnt how to give them advice and support they needed, I learnt how to plan lessons for the students that I thought was beneficial for them. The main part of what I learnt from being there was that I defiantly know I want to be a teacher in the future.  Whilst I was at work experience I mainly was there to support the students, I planned workshops to do with them, and I gave them advice and how to improve on their work. Most the students gained from me being there and have a better understanding of certain things. For example, the process they should be doing when it comes to their work, how to use Lightroom, how to set up the studio correctly and what camera settings they should be having their cameras set to. Most the students were lacking at these things and I think me being there has made them improve on these things. I didn’t just help the students though, I helped the department by coming up with an idea to help the issues with cameras and equipment being stolen. I created a sheet for them and the students to follow by, this should them help them with the issue and if anything does get lost or stolen they know who had it last. I tidied up the department and made suggestions on how they can improve, I changed all the camera settings so they were set at the right format for the student to work with and so their pictures come out a better quality. I looked through their darkroom stuff they recently order and gave my opinion on it all and what else they need to get before getting the student to start using it. Overall I am really happy with my choice of work experience, it has beneficial for me, and I have now got a better understanding of it all and made me want to be a teacher even more. It has inspired me, and I have enjoyed teaching the students and given them the knowledge I have to help them and make their work better.