
On this page, I have written my evaluation for my project named ‘Storytelling’. I have placed my final images at the bottom of the page. I think the images I have created and the exhibition I have but on all link really well to my brief that I was given. I have used archive film stills from the Battle of Britain movie, gone back to photograph the locations where they were shot to show people what they look like now. I then layered these images together using Photoshop. I have chosen to do this technique to the images as it really puts across to the viewer how much has changed over the years, its a story within a story. The film stills are of a story, the people you see acting are creating a story and I have taken images of a new story. It is a frame, within a frame, within another frame. This links well to the storytelling brief in my opinion.

I had the film stills sitting in my room, and I knew I wanted to use them for this project as I thought it would link really well with the brief. However, at first, I didn’t know what I wanted to do with the images. So that’s when I started researching into artists that link to war photography, and came across the following artists Don McCullin, Ernest Brooks, Cornell Capa, and Robert Capa. I also searched for the photographers who took the film still from the movie these were Bob Penn and David James. Below are some images of the artist’s work.

I then came up with an idea to layer images together so that’s when I researched into artists that layer images and rephotogrpahy. I then found the following artists that layer images together, Nicky Bird, Christopher Rauschenberg, Mark Klett, Sergey Larenkov, Peter Macdiarmid, and Harry Enchin. Below are some images of the artist’s work.

Once I did research on some artists and went through all the film stills that I knew I wanted to work with. I went out and took shots using a digital camera. For these shots, I used my Canon 750D. I instantly knew what I was doing as I was comparing to a photograph I already had. However, I knew I need the weather to be nice for my images to turn out right. I needed it to be a bright day so I had as much light as possible when taking the photos as most the fills still are on bright clear sunny days. This was hard due to the snow. However, I managed to get through it. Below are some images from these shoots. I have chosen one from each shoot I did.

Once I was happy with my images I took, I then edited them using Lightroom. I then got the film stills from the film and layered them on top of my own images in Photoshop. Using the erase tool and playing around with the opacity and that I then started blending the two images together. The technique I used worked really well and the images all looked amazing.

While doing all of this I also had to organise an exhibition, I chose to do this at the battle of Britain memorial in Capel-Le-Ferne. I managed to get the space for free and get help with making posters etc. The people were really friendly and worked around me. The dates I picked for the exhibition was the 29th of March till the 4th or may. This was so it fell on Easter holidays and coincided with the 100 years of the RAF. I did this because I knew this would be the busiest time, as people would want something to do over Easter. I managed to market my event effectively, I made a facebook event, and got it shared by the creative quarter. I put out flyers and posters and was even on the venue’s website. I think I pulled the exhibition of really well on my own, and I really enjoyed doing it. I had great feedback about my work and the audience loved it. It was a great experience for me and the people who viewed my work. The exhibition itself consisted of seven A1 images presents on 8ft by 3ft A-frames, which worked well in the space as it was a large room with high ceilings. I had the film also playing in the background on a drop-down projector, I put chairs out so people had the option to watch it. At the side I had a table where I was selling postcards and where the visitor book was and for people to come and ask me questions.  Below are my final image and some images from the exhibition.

Overall I am really satisfied with how this project has turned out, and I think the exhibition and my images were a success. I have pushed myself to make sure it was the best it can be, and am really happy with the overall result. The only thing I might have changed from this experience was to give the audience more detail about each individual image by putting at stamens next to them.