Final Images

Beneath are the final images I want to use for my exhibition. I think I have a good number of images to use and think they will look good in the space I have chosen. They all work well together and all catch the viewers eye. I’m really satisfied with how these have turned out and can’t wait to see what other people think about them.

Combing Images

 Below are some images of me combing the images from the film stills with my own images. I did this using photoshop and using the blend tool. Overall I think all these images are really effective and they are all strong images to use. I am really happy with how these have turned out. They are blended well together and they are well made. I think these will look amazing blown up and put on in an exhibition.

Test shoot 4

This is the fourth shoot I have done. For this shoot, I used a digital camera. I traveled up to London and to the old Aldwych station that is no longer in use. I really like these images. I love how the buildings around the station are all a dull brown then the station is bright red, it really draws the viewers eye to the station. The colours in these images are really bright and eye-catching. Overall I am really happy with how this shoot has turned out.

Test Shoot 2

Here is the second test shoot I have done, this time I have used my digital camera. For these images, I have used available light and also experimented with flash.  for this location, I went back to the Jackdaw pub in Denton. The images have turned out a lot a better than they did in film. The layout and format is better and the lighting is better. Overall I like how these images have turned out think they are really effective. However, I don’t like the ones in the garden with the snow. I don’t think I will be using them at all for my project.

Test shoot 1

This is the first text shoot I have done, I used the Bronica camera. I went to two different locations, the first 6 images are from the Jackdaw pub. The rest of the images are located in Hawkinge, at the Battle of Britain Museum where some of the film was set. I like the images I have shot, however, don’t like the camera I chose to shoot with. I used the wrong lens and the square format doesn’t really fit into what I plan to do with the images. My project is about past and present. However, I feel I should use a digital camera to show how the quality of images has changed over the years.

Films Stills Box 3

Here is a selection of the archive images from box 3. The images you see below are the ones I think I can use for this project. I have a range of photos I could possibly use. Most of these images from this box are taken at the battle of Britain museum and Hawkinge, these are easy locations to get to, to do a shoot. I will have to ask permission at the museum.

Film Stills Box 2

Here is a selection of the archive images from box 2. The images you see below are the ones I think I can use for this project, and go back to the same location and shoot. I have a range of photos I could possibly use. Most of these images from this box are taken in London at the Aldwych station, where I am planning to do a shoot.

However I did some research on the station and you can’t get down to the underground, so I will have to take the photos from outside the station.